Another WO3nderful Use For Fly Ash | Blog

Posted 14-10-2016
Category Research

One method oftransforming FA into ‘A valuable resource’ is through the addition of WO3. WO3 is a chemical compound containing oxygen and the transition metal, tungsten. By adding WO3 to FA, the individual particles transform into highly porous grains and one ecologically sustainable use of this is the successful separation of oil from water.

When a 1:5 ratio of WO3 to FA is mixed, benefits include:

  • Lower Processing temperatures, around 100C lower than that of normal FA processing.
  • As a result of the open porosity FA particles represent an exceedingly absorbent structure.
  • The mechanical strength of individual fly ash particles (compressive strength) was improved as a result of the WO3 additive.


Case study

Oil spills are a huge concern in the environment, and as tonnes of oil are spilt into the sea, millions of tonnes of fly ash are disposed in landfills at the same time.

In 2010, Dr. Sudipta Seal and Prof. Larry Hench received a Rapid Response Grant from the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) division of materials research, after developing the WO3 process that allows fly ash to absorb spilt oil.

Dr. Seal found that materials that held a high “surface-to-volume’ ratio were able to absorb large quantities of oil that was spilt out at sea, however creating and mass-producing such a material was predicted to be very expensive.

The chemically treated fly ash has gained the name OOPS (Oil Optimized Particle Surfaces) and once it has absorbed oil fro

m an oil-water mix, it floats on the surface of the water as a sticky substance that can be easily collected and transported. OOPS repels water and not only soaks up the oil, but can also be re-used in Coal-fire furnaces as fuel to generate heat and energy, once saturated.

This discovery is a huge step in significantly lowering the cost of oil spill clean-ups and in turn, it assists in returning the environment back to a more normal state.


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