Australian producers and marketers of power station ash formed the Ash Development Association of Australia (ADAA) with the objective of investigating and developing market opportunities for the use of these materials in various industry applications such as construction, agriculture and manufacturing.
While the principal output from coal combustion is energy, significant quantities of by-products in the form of coal combustion products (CCPs) are also produced. In life cycle terms, the opportunities to exploit the low energy embodied in CCPs such as fly ash, furnace bottom ash, boiler slags and cenospheres are extensive.

The combustion of pulverised coal in the furnace of a coal-fired power station boiler results in the production of a number of solid by-products. Internatioanlly we now more accurately classifiy these inert solid by-products as coal combustion products. This term reflects a more positive view and is in keeping with circular economy concepts, being an industrialised approach that seeks to use one industry's by-product output as another industry's material inputs.
We trust you find this website resource helpful, moreover gain a better understanding of coal combustion products which are man-made minerals that can help conserve finite natural resources.
News Updates
AFPC (Association Française des producteurs de cendres), the French Coal Ash Association is pleased to announce that its biennial EUROCOALASH International Conference on the utilisation of Coal Combustion Products (CCP) in the construction sector with the aim of increasing its use in European countries and worldwid, will be held from 16th to 18th June 2025 in Lille, France.
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All World of Coal Ash presentations from 2005 to PRESENT are cataloged and available in a user-friendly, searchable directory online. With over 1,500 papers downloaded by users worldwide, this upgraded platform is designed to enhance accessibility and engagement.
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We are excited to share an incredible opportunity with The Concrete Institute of Australia! Who have organised a seminar featuring internationally renowned speakers. We are also privileged to share their forum of world-leading experts in sustainable concrete, through the International Federation of Structural Concrete (fib), to host a Q&A session that fosters engaging dialogue on sustainability in our field.
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he 5th Global FutureCem Conference & Exhibition is being held in Istanbul 2025! The Call for Papers are OPEN - Please send your proposed presentation title to the conference convenor Dr Robert McCaffrey, to rob@propubs.com
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