The ADAA steals the spotlight at the CRC–LCL Participants Annual Forum 2016 | Blog

Posted 16-11-2016
Category Events

The CRC for Low Carbon Living’s Participants Annual Forum was held 15th -16th November 2016 at the Australia Maritime Museum in Sydney. The conference-style event provided a platform to combine research with industry and government stakeholders with an interest in lowering carbon emissions of the future built environment across Australia.

Craig Heidrich (ADAA CEO) updated the attendees on the progress of a current research project, conducted with the University of New South Wales, which is exploring ways to remove barriers that are slowing the uptake of applications for low carbon geopolymer concrete throughout Australia.

Craig’s approach to increasing geopolymer concrete throughout Australia involves bringing together the entire supply chain to collaborate on projects so that the performance of the low carbon concrete can be measured and then fed back to the industry and later used in papers and as examples of hard evidence.

Craig also noted that the Ash Development Association of Australia is currently working on manufacturing an aggregate for his geopolymer, which would remove any future need for land mining.

- View the full program here:

- Read more about Heidrich’s presentation here:

- Images and Presentations will be posted here in the near future: